April 27, 2022 Update

Dear Friends and Family,  

We have been overwhelmed with gratitude by the outpouring of love and support. Thank you so much, truly. Here is a brief medical update: 

I met with my primary doctor last Thursday. First off, she’s incredible. She explained more about the PET scan findings, including drawing me a diagram of my colon and where the mass is located. I’m a huge visual learner but I’m finding I am such a relational learner as well. She spent a long time with me and answered my dozens of questions. About halfway in I said, “I don’t know if you’re religious at all, but I thank God for you.” Because of her diligence, we discovered I had cancer. She could have decided that we wait for six months and do another MRI on my liver. She could have dismissed the cancer suspicions early on in the journey, but she didn’t. She left no stone unturned and I am so grateful.

In my meeting with her she helped me understand why I haven’t been sleeping well and why I’ve felt a lot of generalized anxiety (mainly in the form of a huge weight in my chest). Her words to me were, “You are experiencing acute trauma.” Fun, fun, fun. But it was really helpful to hear her to say that. She gave me a big hug at the end of our time and a really easy way to contact her if I have any questions. I left that meeting feeling very encouraged.  

The day before yesterday (4/25), I met with the colorectal oncology surgeon and he was wonderful. He explained why the next step would be chemo and radiation rather than surgery first. There was a giant poster of the human body where he explained that both tumors found outside my colon are on the liver (there had been a question about the second one). The main tumor in my liver is basically in the center of it and, unfortunately, deep. The smaller one could resolve itself with the chemo and radiation.

The liver is such an important thing to keep an eye on because I can’t live without it. However, it is medically possible for me to live without a colon. (FUN FACT: the liver is the “gecko tail” of the human body! A good portion of it can be removed and it can then regenerate itself. Oh the wonders!) We were transparent with him about getting a second opinion from MD Anderson and he is willing to help them any way he can.

The main action step he took was getting me a colonoscopy scheduled for next Wednesday (5/4). He will biopsy the mass in my colon to determine it matches the type of cancer found in my liver. (Not so fun fact: it’s possible to have two different kinds of cancer at the same time. That would be highly unlikely, but they’re covering all their bases.) He will also give me my first tattoo…on the inside of my colon. Basically, “x marks the spot,” and when I have eventually have surgery it will mark the location that needs to be removed. He will pass all his findings off to MD Anderson so they have nearly everything they need to create a treatment plan. At the end I asked, “Do you feel positive about treating this?” and he said he does.  

MD Anderson: We have an appointment, in person, May 12th. We will drive there because I want to do that while I can and also in case they want us to stay a day for more testing. We are planning to ask specifically: 1) Will they work together with our local oncology team? 2) Do they have liver oncology surgeons who could help me with my case? 

Praises: My (our) heart(s) has been so encouraged! We had some amazing time with family and Navigator staff over the weekend: laughing, eating, praying, and even worshipping. Our kids continue to fare well under the circumstances. We feel heard and cared for by our medical team and community (both near and far). We feel the nearness of God and His kindness and grace even during this storm. I’ve also been able to sleep!  

Prayer Requests

  • For continued wisdom and the ability to take it one day at a time. 
  • For the meeting with my oncologist this Thursday (4/28 @12:45CT).
  • For the whole family to be taken care of in this season – that we would cling to God, who sustains us. 

UPDATE FROM AMY WALKER: Amanda is a close friend of mine and I wanted to share that we have set up a fundraiser through GoFundMe to support Amanda and her family. Look on the main page or click here to visit that page. Thank you so much for your love and support.

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One response to “April 27, 2022 Update”

  1. May all love surround you and hold you up in healing. With peace and trust walk your path for all the good that is caused by your shared journey. God bless you ,your family and the professionals God is working through.

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