January 18th Update – Another Detour

Dear friends and family, 

I truly wish I was writing you a different kind of update but here we are. 

We met with the surgeon in Houston this morning and there has been a spread of disease. I have two new liver spots (one measured in millimeters, one around ¾ inches in size) and I have two or three additional peritoneum spots around my liver (they’re on the small size but notable on the scans). 

This makes me ineligible for the big surgery because it would delay me receiving additional treatments like more chemo or immunotherapies.

I will have a repair surgery (1/23) on my ostomy/stoma since it’s severally prolapsed.   

The team here will determine what’s next. They’re still giving me options and it’s not been communicated that my situation is hopeless. I will send out another update when a new plan has been established and decisions made.  

I think I already knew this was going to be the news. I’m still processing and probably in shock. 

I am just a flower of the field. 

I am just one small person. 

My story is no greater than anyone else’s. 

My suffering is not more profound. 

I hope to hug many of you in the coming days. I hope to see your faces. I love you and will for all the days God gives me.

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12 responses to “January 18th Update – Another Detour”

  1. Lexie and I both send you hugs Amanda. We continue to pray for complete healing. And we pray for your dear family.

  2. S0 sorry to hear the news. Austins grandmother called to let me know. I’ve been in prayer for u and your family from the beginning of your journey and will continue to pray for strength, courage and total healing. Our God IS in control and promises to be with u every step of the way. Ps 46:1-3 Love to all. Aunt Bernita

  3. Always believe in miracles and God’s purposes for each of us. You have already shifted the course in many lives impacting the futures of those not even born. May God’s healing energy surround you, permeate every cell in your body. May all the cancer shrivel up and dissappear. Amen. My love to you and my gratefulness for you, Amanda. Mwah!(that’s a big kiss) Yvonne

  4. Was trusting and believing for the all clear and will continue to do so. This is grief and am so thankful for you! He is faithful and available to weep upon over and over again.

  5. Praying earnestly for you. The news is so disappointing, but we have a big personal God who loves you dearly and hears our prayers. “In my distress, I CALLED to the Lord, I CRIED to my God for help. From His temple, He HEARD my VOICE; my CRY came BEFORE Him, into His EARS.” Psalm 18:6 Praying dear sister that the Lord who loves you and hears you will give you comfort and direction as we all keep you close in our hearts and prayers.

  6. I’m so sorry to hear this, Amanda. We love you and continue to pray.
    “May the GOD OF HOPE fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”
    Romans 15:13

  7. Don’t let what man says get you down. You’ve seen enough blessings by now to know God is in control! And God performs miracles that can’t be answered by Doctors.
    Try to keep your faith up. Ask God to give you more Faith. He is right beside you. Love you. You are a rock star taking it as it comes to you! God bless you and your lovely family.

  8. I sat here for quite a while trying to think of what to say. I didn’t come up with anything, so I tried to think of a Scripture. Still nothing. I just wish peace for you going forward.

  9. Just reread your last post and realized today’s the day you have the repair surgery done. I pray that all goes well. My thoughts and prayers are always with you You cross my mind often during each day and always pause to ask the Lord to bless you and yours and to give you strength and courage to face the future with faith that God’s I’m control. Phil 4::13. I love you. You are my hero!!!

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