Update on this Leg of the Journey – March 8th, 2023

The fam before we went to an 80’s skating event!

Hello everyone!

It felt like time to write a little update and let you know how the past month has treated us. Again, thank you for your continued investment in following along with our journey. 

I’d first like to share the exciting news that we have a beach trip planned for April and a dog joining our family in May! Thank you to all who helped us through recommendations and leads for both! In addition to that, our family is really looking forward to going to Colorado for spring break to have some R&R with friends (if you are wanting to see us while we are there, we are having a gathering on March 24th that you can email me for more details). Colorado, a beach trip, and a dog are only three specific ways we’ve felt blessed and encouraged recently. 

My mantra in this season has been “every day is a gift” and it has felt true. The Lord has been exceedingly kind to all four of us these past few weeks. Austin has started back to work and that is going well. We’ve been having so many fun times with the kids just doing normal things like playing Dutch Blitz or watching Kids Baking Championship. I have been enjoying the first signs of spring with my daffodils blooming and some warmer days. We’ve also had some amazing relational time with our community both locally and with dear friends and family coming to visit. Our hearts feel full. 

I have completed two rounds of chemotherapy since my last update. In the latest round of chemo, I experienced minimal side effects. I almost had a completely normal Tuesday when usually day two of chemo is a day filled with nausea and mostly sleeping. But this time around I was able to wake up that day and do a bunch of things including going for a walk and working in the garden – it was a gift. 

I have my last two rounds of chemo this month (3/13-15 & 3/27-29). We then travel to Houston April 18-20th for the scans and follow-up with our care team there. 

I have contemplated the multiple roads that could be before me/us, but haven’t ventured too far down any because I’m trying to practice the spiritual discipline of living in reality. And the reality is: I cannot see what’s going on in my body and I don’t really know what these next months will hold, let alone this year. All I can do is steward each day I’m given – accepting both the beautiful and the challenging. 

Your words and encouragement mean so much to us. Your kindness means so much. Acute suffering and long suffering are not easy paths to sojourn with others, but you are all doing so well loving us, praying for us, remembering us. Thank you. 

Additional Notes: 

*I am still doing a Saturday morning devotional time at 9AM (CST) via zoom and all are welcome.


*AUSTIN’S 40th BIRTHDAY IS COMING UP!! Austin is turning 40 in April and I want to do something special for him…I love that dude. I’m hoping he skips reading this update, lol. So here are my ideas to celebrate him: you can send kind words for him to me via email: mrsakolinger@gmail.com OR you can send a horizontal/landscape shot video sharing what you love or appreciate about him to Wyatt at: fixiouser@gmail.com OR you can send happy snail mail to our mailing address at: 1273 S. Oxbow Way, Fayetteville, AR 72704. Deadline is April 5th (so Wyatt can edit the videos and I can format the messages).

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7 responses to “Update on this Leg of the Journey – March 8th, 2023”

  1. “And the reality is …”

    So much wisdom, Amanda!!!

    Bill and I are traveling the day of your Colorado open house. Truly enjoy our state! And hopefully the weather will be kind to you.

  2. Praise the Lord for minimal side effects from chemo! Miraculous, honestly. I’m encouraged to hear of God’s kindness to you & your family… and just love that: the spiritual discipline of living in reality. Wow, yes. I need that too. Much love & many prayers for you.

  3. Thank you for this update. I love how you are living each day with gratitude. I love how you are spending time with Claire and Wyatt…and I LOVE Dutch Blitz!! 💕 bless you sweet girl. Praying for coming chemo and scans. Praying especially for the beach, Colorado and a new dog joining your family. 🥰

  4. Oh you share so much wisdom, strength & love for all of life! I am delighted to hear minimal side effects!! That’s great to hear! I am so sad you’re walking this journey of cancer…. Such an inspiration to watch and hear your voice on this journey! You are a special gift 💝 to us all!

    I am also excited to hear you’re having an open house while you’re here— I’d love to stop by and see you dear one!!! Please send me details. 😆

    Bless you — In Yahweh’s love, hope & strength, Suzi 💗

  5. Amanda, I am so thankful for your updates. It is so encouraging to know God is doing such great things. As I read your amazing report, it is so obvious that you are all growing closer to God thru this (horrible) journey. He just carries you through it.
    I couldn’t believe the picture you posted.No one would guess you are going through these difficult times. God is so good. Continue one day at a time and enjoy your life.
    I will continue to pray for your health and healing.

  6. Amanda, thinking of you today as you go through your treatments. Praying God will uplift you and your family. Praying these treatments will kill every cancer cell and not affect you adversely. Have enjoyed your updates and am looking forward to the one that says by His stripes I was healed.

  7. “All I can do is steward ech day I am given accepting the beautiful and the challenging.” YES!!
    One day at a time, sweet Jesus!!!
    Just give me the strength to do ever day what You would have me to do!!

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