July 21st Update – Houston

O Lord, if you heal me, I will be truly healed;
    if you save me, I will be truly saved.
    My praises are for you alone!

Jeremiah 17:14

As we descended through the clouds in our small United aircraft, ready to land back in Arkansas, everything became white and beautifully uniform. I couldn’t see the sky; I couldn’t see the ground. I didn’t know how fast we were going or if there were any birds coasting in the sky beside us. And in a fleeting fear, I realized I didn’t know if we could be crashing into anything or even plummeting to our deaths.  This moment struck me and I thought – “Being in this cloud and not knowing, is how the past three months have been.” We haven’t known which way is up or which way is down. “How smooth will this trip be?” “Will I even survive?” “Can I trust the ‘pilots?’” And so many more questions. 

At the same time, I was also filled to the brim with gratitude. Oh! to be immersed inside an enormous, fluffy cloud! To live in a time where it takes an hour and fifteen minutes to get from Houston to NW Arkansas! And more than that, to get the best news we could have hoped for from the trip!

The news is – EVERY tumor has responded to treatment and shrunk an average of 40%. My oncologist at MD Anderson said the phrase, “Best case scenario.” My labs all came back very positive. My body is responding so well to the most intense chemo regimen they have for my specific cancer. Because of this incredible response I will be eligible for my first surgery in AUGUST!!!! I am crying while writing those words. I am so thankful, overjoyed – all the feelings.

The road ahead could look a lot of ways but I will share what I know: 

I’m currently sitting in the Fayetteville oncology building to receive my 5th round of chemo. 

Then I will have a four to five week break from treatment to let my body (namely liver) be in the best place for the liver surgery. We met with the liver surgeon and she was very confident that the procedure would be very straightforward. She is working collaboratively with the colorectal surgeon and will even be doing some laparoscopic investigating of my abdomen to check for any peritoneal disease that the scans may have missed before she begins open surgery to remove the liver tumor. 

I stay in the hospital for five days after the surgery and spend five additional days in Houston before heading back to Fayetteville. 

I will then have a four-week recovery time (with no chemo) and at that point if I’m doing well, it’s more than likely that I would do a few more rounds of chemo, then a break and finally the primary surgery for my colon will take place. Our hope is to have treatment and surgeries done in this calendar year. 

Here are a few additional prayer requests: 

·      That my liver surgery would happen at a time where I don’t miss the kid’s first week of school. Wyatt is beginning high school and I want to be there for him. (Claire too, of course). 

·      That I wouldn’t run into any complications. COVID is really ramping up again and we’ve had some close calls.

·      For continued wisdom from all medical professionals. Everyone has been the absolute best and I’ve felt the kindness of God in this way. 

·      For all the logistics. Houston has its own set of logistics but also for our family and kiddos. 

 Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers, support, encouragement and most importantly, LOVE!! We love y’all so much!

Austin and I enjoying the Galveston Beach after receiving the GOOD NEWS!

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13 responses to “July 21st Update – Houston”

  1. Praise our Heavenly Father for goodness and pray continued healing. We curse cancer in the Name of Jesus. We pray ongoing knowledge from Holy Spirit and His wisdom for your doctors. We thank God for you and honor you Amanda. Thank you for your continued faith in God. We celebrate your good news.

  2. So so good to hear, Amanda! Love you lots. Thanks for the updates! We will continue to pray.

  3. Amazing amazing news! Praise God!! We will keep praying! What a beautiful picture of you two 🙂

  4. Amanda,
    I met you at TBC in Topeka. I am friends with your dad and mom . I have been praying for you and following your journey. I am crying like a baby and praising God for his hand on you!
    Continued prayers sweet girl!

  5. I love the verse you posted at the beginning, it really touch me. “o Lord if you heal me I will be truly healed” also rejoicing with you over this news and praying you can be there for back to school days

  6. Yes!! Praise God. We continue to pray for your healing and for strength on the journey, and we love hearing good news like this.

  7. So wonderful to hear this fantastic news!! Praising the Lord!!! We will keep praying for you and your family. Thank you for keeping us informed and for your example of strength, courage, faith and trust in God as you walk this journey. Blessings to you in abundance!

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