September 30th – The Second Leg of the Journey

Dear Framily, 

Me outside my high school (Topeka High). I was able to attend my 20 year reunion and show the kids my old stomping grounds. It was a wonderful weekend with classmates and local family!

Thank you for your patience while waiting for part two of the update. Following is what we’ve learned from the past surgery and what the plan for treatment/surgeries will be moving forward. 

During the Liver Surgery:

·      They did not find any hidden “widespread disease” in my abdomen.  

·      They did find a small additional tumor in my peritoneum right next to my liver that was measured in millimeters. They removed it with the other peritoneum tumor during the liver surgery. 

·      They removed about 50% of my liver successfully.

·      They removed my gallbladder.

·      They removed a lymph node near my liver. 

·      They successfully did the colostomy procedure as a way to deal with the obstruction without causing too much stress on my body, i.e., removing the colon tumor at the same time. 

After Surgery: 

·      My pain management has gone really well. I never needed heavy pain medication once I returned to Arkansas and I’m able to manage the pain with ibuprofen (and I only need it every few days).

·      The pathology on the liver tumor showed that 80%-90% of the cancer cells were DEAD! *DING-DONG THE WICKED WITCH IS DEAD!*

·      The pathology on the lymph node came back benign. 

·      The nodules on my gallbladder came back benign. 

·      The main incision (about 12 inches) has been healing well and is almost 100% healed on the surface.   

·      The care of my ostomy is going well. I decided to name my stoma “Bob” because it looks a little like a tomato and then I also can blame Bob whenever it makes obnoxious noises.

Here’s a print I made of “Bob” and my ostomy bag. Printmaking has a repetition to it that mirrors the ongoing care the ostomy bag and Bob require.

·      CONCLUSION: I’ve responded very well to chemo and the first surgery and can keep moving forward towards a second surgery. There is much to praise God for!

The Next (and Hopefully Last) Leg of the Journey:

·      I’ll resume four rounds of chemo beginning in October. (The specific dates are October 12-15, October 26-28, November 9-11 & November 30-December 2.) Initially they said I’d have five rounds of chemo before the next surgery, so I’m very excited to hear that it only needs to be four!

·      The Oxaliplatin, which is the type of chemo that gives me the most challenging side effects (extreme nausea, neuropathy), they’re going to keep but decrease the dosage. In addition, I’ll have two other types chemotherapies that work really effective all together with the Oxaliplatin.

·      My hair has started falling out in a dramatic way. I was told it would probably thin but I didn’t fully anticipate it falling out – but it’s trending that way. So, stay tuned for cute wigs and hats. 

·      After my last round of chemo, I will have December off to prepare for my next surgery that will take place in early January (date to be determined). 

·      As long as there are no surprises on my scans, I will be done with treatment after the next surgery. The surgery will include: reversing my colostomy, removing the primary tumor in my colon, removing my ovaries (as a preventative measure), and removing any lymph nodes that look questionable around the primary tumor. 

I have been recovering mentally, emotionally and spiritually by making art, reading, resting and journaling; as well as being outside as much as possible (beauty and wonder), spending time with my family and dear friends (connection), and practicing gratitude (perspective taking). 

Prayer Requests: 

·      For the health of my family, as we head into the cooler months.

·      For Austin, as he continues to pour a lot of time and energy into caring for all of us. 

·      For the wisdom of my medical team, as they make these life-saving decisions on my behalf.

I deeply appreciate each of you and your care and I know I say it every update but – I love you and thank God for each of you.

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12 responses to “September 30th – The Second Leg of the Journey”

  1. Thank you for this update, Amanda. This is wonderful news that many of us have prayed for! Your positive outlook and reliance on our God, has given me encouragement for some of the very minor health issues I face. Thank you for sharing and I will continue to pray for a 100% healthy recovery!

  2. I’m so thrilled with your surgery report. Hallelujah! Prayers continuing. I’ve got the dates of your chemo treatments on my calendar.

  3. Love your upbeat and positive attitude…What a honey you are. Will continue to pray .God bless you and yours.

  4. I have been praying for you as well as asking our church to pray as well. I’d is absolutely good and I know He’s got you in His loving embrace. We will continue to pray Amanda. PUSH = Pray Until Something Happens. We will not stop praying until you are healed.

  5. Praise God you are doing remarkable. I’ll keep praying. Your attitude and faith in God will get you through it.

  6. Bless your heart! God is Good!
    Praying for your comfort and strength through this journey!
    You are one strong lady!
    Lifting you and your family up in prayer daily!🙏❤️

  7. To only take Ibuprofen every other day. I have “Fibro” and function well but take more than that. I want to take less.. See what a good influence you are! Praying for everything you and Austin and family are going through. Jesus in all things.

  8. Sweet beautiful Amanda Kay bless your heart! I’m so glad to hear good reports and I know more are to come!
    I will continue to pray and fast as I see your dates of treatment.
    Please know all your family here in MO are praying for you and your sweet little family ! LOVES AND HUGS💗💯
    Aunt Heidi and Uncle Bret

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