April 22nd Update – Both Are True 

In one hand I hold the belief that God is good, faithful, wondrous, trustworthy, beautiful, and in the other hand I hold utter heartbreak. Both are true. 

Houston remains consistent in leaving us with more questions than answers. Each time we get back in the car or board the plane our hearts are heavy. The scans and follow up appointment revealed that nothing had really changed with the last four rounds of chemotherapy. Some tumors were a little better, others worse. There was not enough of a change to continue with that treatment plan. So now I head into trials. I don’t know any details about those yet. If I do them through MD Anderson, it will require traveling to and from Houston at a regularity that could be very challenging on the family. There are trials around the country that could work with my particular mutation of cancer as well, but I do not want to go much farther away from Austin or the kids and our community here. 

Would you pray for wisdom and discernment with these decisions? 

Although we are shattered with this news, I also feel a peace in knowing what’s true: I have wide spread cancer yet I can still stand on my two feet, enjoy the beauty of life, and love those dear to me. Both are true. 

My hope continues to be found in the unchanging qualities and beauty of Christ. This is a road he too has walked – the road of human suffering. I find great comfort in that. 

Would you please, please pray for Austin, the kids and those close to me. Austin in particular is just trying to make it through each day while being bombarded with the devastation of the most recent news. 

I’ll let you know more soon. Until then, I hold you in my heart and I love you. 

“Because He Lives”

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10 responses to “April 22nd Update – Both Are True ”

  1. I’m so sorry for this disappointing news. We will be praying for your family, and also for wisdom and discernment for what is next. Hugs.

  2. We are and will be praying for you. I am so thankful that our Father is giving you joy, an promise of the continuing and unmarred joy to come. Praying that you will all walk in assurance of His presence, His wisdom in our unknowing. We love you beyond measure.

  3. It has been amazing what you have been able to do daily with your loved one. Miraculous healing is so possible
    Being a nurse I have seen the amazing, and unexplainable. The only common element being God. Hopefully genetics tell the doctor which treatment will now work.My ongoing prayers for you all. Love you, Cousin Yvonne

  4. Thank for your words of faith. My heart is heavy for you. I will continue to lift you and your family up in prayer. Thank you for helping us to know how to pray.

  5. amanda, What a challenging and difficult journey you and Austin and your family are on. Chuck and I are praying for healing and for God’s equipping of each of you, one day at a time. We are confident He will provide and yet also know it remains so very challenging. Love and hope in our Savior. Kim and Chuck

  6. I am so sorry for your news. Will continue to pray for all of you and the team of doctors that they will choose the right course of treatment for you.

  7. Amanda, Dave and I join all others in praying for God’s healing & guidance, continued peace, and for God’s love to keep flowing from your heavenly Father into you and those whom you love.May god’s loyal love surround you all, Fay and Dave Netherton

  8. How could I forget, even just a little-bit how overwhelmingly beautiful your voice is? Thank you so much for your continued vulnerability about this with us. Thinking about you and my bro all the time. Continued prayers, continued hope in His grace from us. Sincerely, love you and your family from the bottom of our hearts. He is with you at every breath, sister. We are with you all, every step of the way.

  9. Amanda, my heart goes out to you with such hard news. Praying that the trial drug(s) will be just the right one for your mutations. May God continue to give you great strength & faith as you walk in this unknown territory within His tender embrace. We bow before him on your behalf, seeking to stand in the gap for you.

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