May 18th, 2023 – Let the Trials Begin

Dear Friends and Family, 

I apologize for the delay in updating. 

With the last visit to Houston I think I’ve been trying to push cancer as far away as possible, which included not wanting to write about it. But we still covet your prayers and I am going back to Houston next week so I feel like an update is in order. 

Two weeks ago, I was approved for a clinical trial called CYC140 at MD Anderson (you can read the medical specifics at To summarize briefly: it is a targeted therapy in a pill form called an inhibitor. If it works it will block something on a cellular level that the cancer needs to thrive and grow. If it works minimally it will stabilize the disease (no more growth) and if it works to its desired greatest potential it will kill the cancer. The side effects that have been documented so far in other humans are very minimal (some weight loss is a possibility and/or some effects to my blood). The other upside to this trial is I will be rescanned after four weeks to see if it is working (usually scans happen every two months) and if it is not they will remove me from this trial and find something different. 

I begin all of this next week. I will have a bunch of baseline tests Monday of next week (CT scans, heart tests, blood work, etc.) and then if everything checks out okay I will begin the drug on Thursday (May 25th). They will keep me under observation for two days and then I can go home with the drug. It is a huge relief that I don’t have to stay in Houston for a month! However, I do have to travel there basically once a week to be observed and to check my blood work. So while this clinical trial is ideal, will you pray for all the traveling involved and for my family?

I’ve also been having an uptick in my pain. I’m still able to manage it with Ibuprofen but it’s a nuisance and disconcerting. Please pray the pain will not get worse

In family news: we’re getting our puppy next week! Her name is Willow and we can’t wait to meet her! (see her pictured below)

Wyatt is wrapping up his first year of high school with all high marks. We’ve been playing a lot of Zelda this week and he’s studying for his learner’s permit. Claire is nearly done with elementary school and has been watching tons of videos on training puppies. Austin has been busy with all the end of semester things on campus and preparing for next school year and for fun has been watching the NBA finals. I have become a bird watcher (I have a bird feeder in our front tree, binoculars and a bird book at the ready) and have been enjoying gardening and drawing moths. Life is still sweet, even in the continued uncertainty. To quote the famous song “Day by Day” from the musical Godspell my prayer continues to be: 

To see thee more clearly.

Love thee more dearly.

Follow thee more nearly. 

Day by day. 

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4 responses to “May 18th, 2023 – Let the Trials Begin”

  1. Amanda,
    I’ve been reading about the Kingdom of God and the goal of spiritual formation today, and these lines from Godspell sum it all up. No matter what life hands us, this is how we are to proceed, one day at a time, trusting Jesus and His Spirit and Father. Our prayers continue for complete healing and God’s love to surround you and your family one day at a time. Love and hugs. Kim and Chuck

  2. Praying this trial is the answer to all the prayers everyone has sent up for you and your family! May Jesus see you thru this and heal you completely!

  3. Amanda, I am so proud of you. the way you walk with Jesus in the midst of this. Will be praying for this trial!

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